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17 Benefits of Mango Juice For Health - healthy t1ps

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What are the advantages of mango juice - Mango is a tropical fruit of community pride in Indonesia in addition has an aroma, taste delicious and varied shapes and types which turned out to deliver more nutrients to maintain a healthy body everyday. Whatever type of mango such as mango manalagi, kweni, cotton candy, indramayu, gong mango, mango apple, mango avocado and others, but basically have the same health effects regardless you frequently consume them or not.

The content of the best nutrients contained in fruit mango namely carbohydrates, fiber, protein, monounsaturated fat. folate, pyridoxine, riboflavonoid, thiamin, pantetonat acid, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin A. Vitamin K. contain low sodium, potassium, calcium, manga, zinc, copper, magnesium and iron.

Benefits and efficacy Of Mango Juice For Health
Benefits and efficacy Of Mango Juice For Health

This is the best advantage of the benefits of mango juice consumed in a healthy!

The health benefits of drinking mango juice

1. Prevent and treat constipation

Containing high fiber is able to coagulate and freeze the stool and prevent nausea and abdominal pain.

2. Prevent and treat blood cancers or leukemia

Tiunggi contains polyphenols which act as powerful antioxidants to prevent passage and inhibit the growth of blood cancer

3. Prevent and treat breast cancer

Polifenolnya substance capable of detecting the presence of breast cancer cells at an early stage and is able to inhibit the way cancer cells that already exist and will be easily removed with the help of chemotherapy.

4. Preventing and treating prostate cancer

Substance polifenolnya able to improve performance and function of the prostate in men to avoid the attack or the growth of prostate cancer cells.

5. Preventing and treating lung cancer

Polyphenols and mineral substances that can prevent cancer cells Full appears on liver tissue. because of the high antioksidanya able to resist and protect the liver tissue of the results generated objects attack the body.

6. Prevent colon cancer

Antioxidants such as polyphenols can keep the inflammation attacks the intestinal wall of the dihaasilkan bakterti daari food or free radicals that can prevent colon cancer cells kearea.

7. Preventing and treating cancers that exist in the mouth organ

Polyphenol substances is one of the strongest in the fight and destroy cancer cells that is at the mouth organ. Salubrious conditions of the oral cavity in order to avoid bacterial growth results from the remaining scraps.

8. To sharpen eyesight and prevent cataracts

Benefits of vitamin A high enough and assisted with the merits of the various mineral able to repair damage to the eye due to minor injuries. Sharpen eyesight at capturing light or shadow.

9. Mengontol blood pressure

Vitamins and minerals can control the rise and fall of blood pressure and load the body of a mild stroke.

10. Can counteract free radicals

Antioxidant substances can counteract and bind free radicals produced by the body, from the air and food that are not easily spread throughout the body.

11. Avoid dehydration

The full nutrition will always provide water to prevent dehydration during hot weather and being in a room using the air conditioner.

12. Increase the production of hemoglobin in order to remain stable

Nutrition on the benefits of mangoes can improve the quality of blood cells or hemoglobin in the body to keep stable and able to maintain healthy blood.

13. Maintain skin health

Vitamins A, C and E are quite capable to protect the skin from damage caused by sun exposure and free radical attack. Some vitamins can be a powerful antioxidant in maintaining the skin's collagen to remain stable and healthy.

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14. Coping with travel sickness

Dada and uncomfortable heartburn and stomach conditions that are wrapped around the pain will trigger motion sickness. To prevent this, the consumption benefits of mango juice 20 minutes before leaving to travel long distances.

15. Can be as effective wound healer

Nutrition details can speed up the drying process and the healing of burns, cuts, bruises from the impact and others.

16. Keeping the body's nervous system in the developing fetus in order to continue normal

Nutrition of mango fruit beneficial to strengthen the neural networks in the fetus, compassionate young age is between 2 smpai gestational age 4 months and will accelerate the growth of organs tubuhnyanya to be more complete and healthy.

17. Preventing babies born with mental disabilities

Nutrition in mangoes can nourish brain cells and organs other infant and able to regulate the baby's temperature. Then it will continue to grow growth, so the baby will be born with normal and do not experience mental disabilities.

The combination of mango juice

To double the nutrients of mango and improve the quality of flavor you can make mango juice with other fruit combine for example:

  • Mango + sweet star fruit, a blend of both nutrient can give stamina, extra energy and balance blood pressure
  • + Avocado mango, can nourish the skin and improve the quality of the health of collagen under the skin so that the skin is always in the best mkondisi.
  • Mango + mangosteen, can nourish blood vessels and accelerate the fat burning process and make the facial skin is always radiant series
  • Mango + carrots, can improve the sharpness of your eyes and Prevent attacks myopic dusk and sore eyes

Mango + tomato + milk, may be strong to be able menagkal antiuoksidan, the negative effects of free radicals daan tied for disposal becomes unnecessary toxins that the body through urine and sweat.
Soursop fruit mango + + honey, to the blood circulation around the head and neck daan pega prevent stiffness throughout the body as well as rtubuh avoid colds and the heat inside.
Fruit Mango Guava + red, can increase darh red cells and nourish and refresh the blood vessels and increase the immunity of the body, so the body is able to ward off the attack of bacteria from the results of free radicals.
Mango + cherry + steamed broccoli, to act as a powerful antioxidant to be able to fight the growth of cancer cells.

Facts About Mango

Here's what you should know about mangoes!

For those who suffer from ulcers or have a sensitive stomach sour taste, should consume mangoes that are old or mature.

Many people believe that chocolate is a sweet foods that can relieve stress and change the mood was not good to be fun, but it turned mango taste and unique aroma that calms the mind and minerals is full it can relax the nerves nerves around the head and increase the power one's concentration so as to expel excessive stress.

Someone who diligently and love to eat mangoes every day akann have facial appearance more radiant, smooth and free of acne. Vitamins C, A and E can be joined to work on in order to prevent and eliminate acne-causing bacteria and are able to control produksii excess oil on the surface of the skin of men and women.

Mango fruit is very good to meet the needs of vitamin C, A and E daily, but the high sugar content need to be considered ripe ripe because if too excessive and consumed in the long term it will cause blood sugar levels to rise sharply.

Never consume Aatu eating mango juice mango fruit along with soft drinks because it will only mmeningkatkan blood sugar levels at a speed that you had not previously been expected.
Wary of leaves and stems of mango trees will remove toxins if made into toys for children!

Mango leaves are not as popular as mangoes because the leaves can be irritating to the skin and the mucous membranes of the eyes if the leaves become the toys for the children ank toxic substances will grow more dangerous because it can injure the eye tissue and skin surface. benaar PADSA give an understanding with the children about dangers of burning leaves mango.

Avoid and keep Stems and branches of a mango tree branches reach for the rod and rantingya siappun relative has and will accumulate toxins in the air and the wind and unwittingly entered into the human body through the respiratory and oral cavity. This condition can cause inflammation of the throat, eyes, and harmful to human skin is sensitive because it would be a rash, red and itchy rash.

Do not give animals such as cows, goats, buffaloes, sheep or other grazing star with a mango tree leaves, because any animals that eat them will be in danger of poisoning and death.
In the processing and spark correct and in accordance with the rules of mango leaves can have benefits also for the health of which is to destroy kidney stones and is able to overcome the problem of the breathing (shortness of breath).

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Mango fruit is very good and important for the growth of children's health, but give a correct understanding of the content of the sugar is quite high and not good if consumed in excess in the long term, this understanding can be done by direct practice using mangoes real against children children so that one day no misunderstanding about the mango originally from India. Ok I Hope This Information About Benefits and efficacy Of Mango Juice For Health Give your a